

A bouquet of flowers makes a lovely presentation gift to thank someone for the amazing work they have been doing! And of course, this style of fresh cut flowers also makes a lovely gift.
The flowers are multi levelled in this bouquet style and will require a vase for the flowers to go in upon receipt of the delivery.


Prices are displayed in NZ dollars & incl GST.

Deliveries are available in the New Plymouth Area, Taranaki, New Zealand and Internationally.

We back our product 100% guaranteed.

Please contact us ASAP if you are not fully satisfied for any reason!

Flowers and containers may vary slightly to what is pictured depending on season and availability. 

Substitutions of flowers, plants, soft toys and chocolates will only happen if selected product is unavailable.

Photos as shown are predominantly the large or extra large options. Small and medium sizes will be similar though smaller than shown.

We ensure all orders leave our shop in BLOOMIN top condition.

All prices are displayed in NZD and are inclusive of GST.


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